Sunday, June 9, 2013

GIMP Exercise: Clownfish & Bengal Tiger

The steps I used to achieve the following two images:

  1. Open the image in GIMP
  2. Duplicate the base layer
  3. Desaturate the duplicated layer
  4. Use the Intelligent Scissors tool to select around the object (clownfish/bengal tiger)
  5. Invert the selection
  6. Apply a layer mask to the selection
  7. Merge the layers together
  8. Use the rectangular or oval selection tool to select a feathered area around the image
  9. Invert the selection
  10. Fill with foreground color (color of your choice)
  11. Create text layer with image title
  12. Apply drop-shadow filter to text (I prefer to keep my text a solid-color, so there is no gradient in either)

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