Sunday, June 9, 2013

GIMP Exercise: Tattoos

I used the following steps to create the tattoo images:

  1. Opened the image of the lady's arm
  2. Used the clone stamp tool to cover up the web address and shoulder strap
  3. Pasted an image of a dragon tattoo into the document
  4. Scaled the tattoo down to fit into the document
  5. Used "Select by Color" to select the white background of the tattoo image
  6. Cleared (deleted) the white background of the tattoo image
  7. Used selection editor to choose all blacks and reds of the tattoo image
  8. Inverted the selection
  9. Used "Curves" to make black the edges of the tattoo (previously they were white after extraction)
  10. Scaled down the tattoo image to fit onto the lady's arm
  11. Rotated the tattoo to match the angle of the arm
  12. Used curves to turn the entire tattoo black for the second image
  13. Pasted another tattoo into the document
  14. Used the same steps to remove the white background
  15. Scaled and rotated the new tattoo to fit onto the shoulder blade
  16. Added a layer mask to the both tattoo layers and brushed over them with a low opacity, grainy style brush to give the tattoos a worn-out textured look


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