Friday, June 7, 2013

GIMP: Chapter 3: Layers

What is a layer? A layer is a single image. 
When multiple layers are combined they create a GIMP image.

Why is transparency important when using layers? 
Lets you put part of one image on top of another.

Why would you use layers when creating images? 
You have much more control.

Describe the purpose of each of the following LAYERS properties in the LAYERS dialog box.

  • Opacity – Change the percentage of visibility of the layer.
  • Keep Transparent – Locks all transparent pixels in a layer from editing.
  • Visibility Eye – Changes the visibility of the layer to on or off.
  • Chain Link – Links layers together.
  • Layer Mask – Controls which part of the layer is visible.
  • Raise and Lower Buttons – Move the current layer up and down.
  • Duplicate – Creates a new layer that is an exact copy of the active layer.
  • Delete – Deletes the active layer.

Describe the purpose of each of the following LAYERS context menu (menu appears when you right-click on a layer)

  • Layer Boundary Size – Lets you change a layer's size.
  • Layer to Image Size – Makes the layer as large as the whole image.
  • Add Alpha Channel (be sure to describe what ALPHA means) – Alpha is a fancy term graphics people use to mean transparency. Add Alpha Channel makes the layer capable of using transparency.
  • Alpha to Selection – Selects everything on the current layer that is not transparent.
  • Merge or Flatten – Merge retains any invisible layers while combining multiple layers into one, while flatten merges the layers and deletes any invisible layers.
Poodle Rock:

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