Sunday, June 16, 2013

Photoshop: Smudging Colors, Filters, Layer Effects

I took this image in a different direction than the rules as in some of the previous Photoshop assignments.

To create this image:

  1. Created a 600x800 pixel document.
  2. Found and pasted an image of a beautiful, cloudy sky into the document.
  3. Found an image of a dirt bike rider and used the quick selection tool + refine edges tool to extract him from his background.
  4. Pasted the image of the dirt bike rider into my main document.
  5. Carefully positioned the rider into the correct area and then used the curves tool to lighten him to match the sky.
  6. Duplicated the rider, selected the original layer, and then used the smudge tool to create a motion effect.
  7. Used the hue/saturation tool to adjust the smudged rider to a blue hue.
  8. Added a layer mask to the duplicated rider (top layer) and masked some the bike off to blend into the smudged layer.
  9. Used the type tool to create the text layers, adding a deep drop-shadow to the "MOTOCROSS" layer.
  10. Used the rectangle shape tool to create the black and white slanted backgrounds behind "MAY 2014" and "SANTA BARBARA, CA".
  11. Increased the canvas size to 120%.
  12. Used the rectangle shape tool to create a white border and a black background.
  13. Found an image of a dirt bike tire track, ran the Posterize filter on it a few times, and placed on top of the black background to give a textured border look.


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