Saturday, June 22, 2013

Illustrator: Twirl Tool: Biker Jacket Mandala

To create the "Mandala" image, I placed an ellpse shape on the artboard and warped it with the "Twirl" tool. I then created a polar grid that I duplicated and rotated the warped shape around to create a mandala.

To create the "MIami Heat" motorcycle jacket image I took the mandala I created and added two text layers created using the Type on a Path tool. I placed the design on top of the motorcycle jacket and lowered the opacity to 50%.

To create the rose image, I placed a polar grid on the artboard and warped it with the "Wrinkle" tool. I duplicated it twice more and rescaled / re-wrinkled each duplicate rose. I placed an ellipse shape on the bottom of the artboard and used the "Twirl" tool to warp it, changing the stroke of the shape to a Chalk brush to give it some texture. I then placed the image on top of the motorcycle jacket and changed the blending mode to "Luminosity".

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