Saturday, June 15, 2013

Photoshop: Working with Selections

I created this image with the following steps:

  1. Opened the image of the kumquat and used the quick selection tool to select some of the kumquats and the surrounding leaves.
  2. I used the "Refine edges" tool to smooth out the selection, which I then copy and pasted into a 650x650 document.
  3. The bottom leaf was cut off (in the original image) and the top leaf was covered partially by a watermark - so I used the clone stamp tool to cover the water mark and then copied the top leaf and pasted it in a layer below.
  4. I vertically and horizontally flipped the pasted leave and moved it underneath the bottom (cut-off) leaf. I then used layer masks and smudging to make it look like a complete leaf.
  5. I merged all leaf/kumquat layers into one and converted the layer into a smart object, which I then scaled down.
  6. I duplicated the scaled down version, created a new layer and merged them together (to remove the 'smart object' attributes of the layer), scaled the layer down vertically, desaturated, and applied a gaussian blur to - to create a shadow effect.
  7. I filled in the document with the necessary text layers.
  8. I increased the canvas size to 120% and used the rectangular shape tools to create an orange border and green background.


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