What happens to an image when you SCALE it? Does the canvas size change when you SCALE an image?
Makes the image larger or smaller. No.
Makes the image larger or smaller. No.
Why should you scale images you take on a digital camera before sending them in email or posting them on the web?
Higher resolution images make for larger file sizes.
Higher resolution images make for larger file sizes.
Why is it important to make sure the width and height of an image you are going to scale are linked together? How do you do this in GIMP?
To keep the aspect ratio of the image unchanged. Hit the tab key after entering the information in one field, or click on the other field.
To keep the aspect ratio of the image unchanged. Hit the tab key after entering the information in one field, or click on the other field.
What is the keyboard shortcut to UNDO?
What does the SCALE TOOL do?
Lets you scale interactively.
Lets you scale interactively.
What is the difference between the IMAGESCALE from the menu and the SCALE TOOL?
The scale tool only scales the current layer, not the whole image, you have to click in the tool to start the operation, and it doesn't change the image size at the end.
The scale tool only scales the current layer, not the whole image, you have to click in the tool to start the operation, and it doesn't change the image size at the end.
Describe these JPG quality settings:
- Optimize – Additional reduction in file size without any further reduction in image quality.
- Progressive – Makes the image load in a different way, so people will see a poor quality image right away, which then gradually improves.
- Save EXIF data – Preserves the Exchangeable Image File Format data.
- Comment – Put any text you might want to add to an image.
Why would you decrease the quality setting of a JPG image?
To make the file size smaller.
To make the file size smaller.
Compare the size of a 95% quality setting to a 100% setting of a JPG image:
The 100% setting will produce a file two to three times larger than the 95% setting.
The 100% setting will produce a file two to three times larger than the 95% setting.
If you save a JPG file at 100%, do you preserve ALL the data in the image? What formats should you use if you want to preserve all the data?
No. PNG or TIFF.
No. PNG or TIFF.
Describe what it means when you INDEX a file such as a GIF or PNG file.
Reduces the number of colors used, making the file size smaller.
Reduces the number of colors used, making the file size smaller.
What is RGB color mode?
Red, Green, Blue.
Red, Green, Blue.
What is dithering?
The process of approximation - combining pixels of several different colors.
The process of approximation - combining pixels of several different colors.
What is grayscale mode?
Converts colors to black and white.
Converts colors to black and white.
What does interlacing a file do?
Makes images load in a way similar to JPG's progressive option.
Makes images load in a way similar to JPG's progressive option.
What is cropping?
Cutting out unnecessary parts of an image by resizing the visible viewing area.
Cutting out unnecessary parts of an image by resizing the visible viewing area.
Part 2
Describe which each of the following does:
- Brightness-Contrast: Makes the image darker or lighter and more or less contrasted (darker darks, lighter lights).
- Levels: Contrasts the image with darker blacks and lighter whites.
- Curves: Lightens or darkens the image. Good tool for under or over exposed images.
- Threshold: Makes the image black and white as if drawn by a pen and ink.
- Desaturation: Removes the color from the image.
Red Rock Canyon - Threshold:
Canyonlands - Rotated:
Kestrel - Sharpened:
Ethan - Red Eye Removal:
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